Bongo Bingo Teesside
For the more theatrical among you, Teesside and the surrounding areas have got a lot to offer. From tiny community groups to more established amateur companies, there’s always something to get involved in – even if it’s just handing out programmes. Fancy a night out? With venues such as the Sunderland Empire, Darlington Hippodrome and Newcastle Theatre Royal on our doorstep, there’s no need to go all the way to London to experience a West-End quality show.

I spoke to Rob Clilverd, a graduate from the Oxford School of Drama. He’s worked in professional theatre throughout his life, and now teaches the next generation at Prior Pursglove College in Guisborough, as well as bringing classics like Chekov and Shakespeare to the stage in Middlesbrough, directing plays such as The Seagull, The Winter’s Tale and Macbeth (pictured) under his belt. When he’s not busy with The Bard, you’ll find him directing a musical with the students at the college (previous shows have included The Addams Family, Rent, and Spring Awakening) or tutoring the younger generation at a Saturday performing arts school for youngsters.
Bongo Bingo Teesside 2020
Bongo’s Bingo is a definitive bingo entertainment experience. It’s a crazy mix of traditional bingo, dance-offs, rave intervals, audience participation and countless magical moments, which takes place in almost 50 locations around the world. Towards the end of November, it was announced that Bongo’s Bingo would be making its debut in North Yorkshire, at Teesside University in Middlesbrough, on 11 December 2019. It has been reported that within 30 minutes, launch tickets sold out. T he founders behind Bongo’s Bingo have won a landmark legal case, following support from regional law firm Napthens. Jonny Lacey, otherwise known as Jonny Bongo, and Joshua Burke were judged to be the creators of the Bongo’s Bingo concept and to own the intellectual rights to the brand, following a dispute with his former employer.